
Where to buy

Albums often become more than just sound recordings. They embody the world of music, perceiving which you find yourself in another dimension, full of feelings and emotions. One of such albums is “Oddsac”. It’s not just a collection of tracks; it’s a fusion of music and visual art that invites the listener to a unique journey into the world of experimentation.

“Oddsac” is an extraordinary album created by Animal Collective in collaboration with director Denis Gaujar. It is a creation that crosses the boundaries between music and visual art, creating a unique experimental experience for the listener.

For those who want to immerse themselves in this fantastic world of art and music, there are several options for purchasing the Oddsac album:

  • Online music platform stores: Many of the online stores, such as Amazon, iTunes, Bandcamp, offer the opportunity to purchase this album in digital format. Just go to the music service of your choice and search for “Oddsac” in their catalog;
  • Physical music stores: If you’re looking for a physical copy of Oddsac, you should visit your local record store or a major retailer such as Fnac, HMV, or Urban Outfitters. Here you can find CD or vinyl versions of the album;
  • The official website of Animal Collective: Sometimes the best place to buy an album is directly from the artists. Visit Animal Collective’s official website where you can purchase “Oddsac” along with other artist products and merchandise.

“Oddsac” is not only an album to listen to, but also a masterpiece of art to be explored and experienced. The unusual sound palette, combined with the striking visual aesthetics, makes this album exceptional. Whether you’re going to listen to it on vinyl, CD, or streaming, Oddsac is sure to leave you with an unforgettable experience. Delve deeper into this world of art and music by purchasing your copy today.